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It's all hard

It's all hard. From trying to keep our dishes under control so we can eliminate our obvious ant infestation, to mounds of laundry, going to work and getting everything back in working order week after week, dealing with grief and family, AND all of my obligations at church.......which are numerous. Trying to be sensitive to everyone's needs and feelings and keeping control of my own, not being harsh or cruel by telling people what I really think.....It's all hard. So how do we possibly do it all AND have a good attitude. Give yourself some grace. To get it all right every time isn't going to happen. To get it right even some of the time is a blessing..... Soooooooooo, Have the coffee, listen to your favorite song, fall in love with Jesus everyday. Take a bath, floss your teeth, put on your wig and try your best.😀 That's it. Everyday.  I love you. jackie 

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