We grew up near Grand Lake St. Mary's.   Every summer we enjoyed long warm sunny days  fishing and swimming.  They were great times for sure....

One thing I remember in particular was something my baby brother used to do.  He was always pushing his physical limits.  He would swim out into the lake as far as he could until he was to tired to swim back.  The water would be over his head......and he would begin to yell helllllp!
(I remember this yell very well, it was the exact same yell I heard the time he talked me into ridding the zipper at the Mercer County Fair)  I would jump in as fast I could and swim out to save him.  I wasn't strong enough to swim holding him, so I would lift him out of the water, walk on the bottom of the lake a little bit and then come up for air.......repeat.......until we  came to the pier.  It was a long exhausting process.

Ministry can feel like that.....exhausting trying to keep others afloat while struggling to catch your own breath.

But, it doesn't have to be.   It is a job Jesus does with ease.....He will not only carry the weight of our fellow Christian but us also.  We need only "let" Him.....it is not ours to carry alone.  He urges us to take His yoke upon us and He will carry the burdens as we walk in tandem with Him. 

Ministry is His.....we are only to be His partner.   Let Him worry about the outcome.   Just be the servant serving their master knowing all the while the Master has everything under control.


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