I surrender

Sweet and yet terrifying....

Have you ever thought, that's it.....I give up...I am at the end of my rope... I am done with it all?

When we finally come to the end of us, we can find Jesus.  Sweet Jesus!  Usually,  it isn't until we can't  take "it" anymore before we surrender to Him. 

Have you ever just knelt and truely given everything to God?  Your thoughts, your experiences,  everything you ever learned,  all your cares and woes, and said "here I am Lord, teach me, mold me, fill me, start over in me Jesus". 

You might be surprised what you learn or rather what you thought you had surrendered.

Teach me Lord, create in me a clean heart O God .  One that loves you fully.  One that loves who you love.  One that brings perfect peace. One that gives all our hopes and dreams to follow your will.  Surrender  <3
I love you Jesus, use me!


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