
Stand fast therefore in the liberty wherewith Christ hath made us free, and be not entangled again with the yoke of bondage.
Galatians 5:1

Tangled!  I picture barbed wire wrapping around my brain entrapping me in pain.  (not a cute Disney cartoon)
I feel pain , the pain of being unable to free my thoughts and heart....when I have this state of mind I feel desperate, sad, angry, lonely.
Bondage! The state of being enslaved by another person or situation, whether physical or mental.

IN Christ I have freedom!  Freedom that cannot be taken away.  Freedom to think good thoughts.  Freedom to rise above any bondage no matter the power someone or thing has over ME OR YOU!  Freedom to not be moved or detoured from the plan God has for me.
Let Jesus take your bondage!  He has already paid for any punishment or blame, and your right to be free.

In Christ  we can breathe.
In Christ we can have joy.
In Christ we can "decide" to not be upset.
In Christ we can understand His Word which brings more freedom....
Let God free you!

If the Son therefore shall make you free you shall be free indeed. John 8:36

love Jackie


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