remain kind


Sometimes the oppression covering our land is so thick you can almost see it with the human eye.  We can certainly feel it in our hearts and minds.

Listen to these amazing words written in Ephesians 6

"Peace be to the brethren, and love with faith, from God the Father and the Lord Jesus Christ.  Grace be with all them that love our Lord Jesus Christ in sincerity."

Everyday, we as "brethren" have opportunity to live in love and grace with faith from God.  The only prerequisite is to love Jesus in sincerity.

There is a battle raging right now, for the attention, energy, and thought life of every believer and to discourage or distract us.  

In this very same chapter in Ephesians just a few verses before,  Paul tells us God supplies the amor for this, we only need put it on.

Listen to what our amor consists of:

truth, righteousness (which is not ours but Christ's),  peace, faith, our salvation, and The Word of God, because Satan uses people to attack us and God loves people.

It never ceases to amaze me that God's answer to every situation, even war, can be resolved through love, faith, and grace.  May we at joy continue to use the amor provided for us, learn and immerse ourselves in our sincerity of love for Christ.

~love jackie


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