
Ephesians 1:3-7 KJV
Many times in my life I have felt like an outsider. Maybe you have too. Jesus spoke to the outsider. 
He sought the outsider.  He was passionate about leaving the rich, and satisfied and sought the poor and destitute. It wasn't because they were poor and destitute, it was because of the heart and attitude.  Right now, people are searching for ways to be accepted and GOD is looking for them, they just need to ask Him to be their Savior. 
Today, we are accepted in the beloved, because  we believe  He died on an old rugged cross, alone, naked, made fun of, an outsider...  to save us from Hell.
And He rose from the grave and is in heaven waiting for us to come homè.
Thank you God for bringing me into your family,  I surely don't deserve it.....
Love jackie


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